The Removable Link

The 2000 Robotwars Rules insist on a removable link being fitted to robots. We did think about using a battery isolation switch which can be purchased from places like RS. The disadvantages of these is that the red end bit could get broken off during battle, making it difficult for the link to be removed in an emergency, and also the power could accidentally be connected without the key by pressing the center of the switch in.

We decided to use a fuse holder which had it's fuse replaced with two strips of lightning conductor and it looks a bit like this:

link_1.jpg (30157 bytes)

We were in the middle of suppressing the motors when the photo was taken - hence the motor has no back plate on it!

link_2.jpg (33458 bytes)

Spot the two layers of copper lightning conductor in between the prongs. This is joining the two sets of prongs together instead of the fuse.

The only disadvantage of this method is that it is probably unique - therefore if we loose the link part our robot isn't going anywhere :o(


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